We tend to meet someone and build relationship in a way that can be mutual. For some, it's lucky enough that this kind of relationship blooms and goes deeper in some way. But for others, this might be a joke as this kind of relationship is impossible to happen never last instead.
For those who is experiencing long-distance kind of relationship, it is expected that you are battling to hold on to each others' companies or promises or should I say an agreement and trusts. It's really not easy and it takes a lot of sacrifice to do it.
Do you really believe there is a so-called "happy ending" in a long-distance relationship?
There are lot of reasons why some people are engaged in this kind of relationship. One of which is career. Someone has to go farther to make a living for future purpose.
"Yes, a long-distance relationship can work! There has to be a layer of trust that is built up between the two of you, and if there are any genuine concerns about the relationship; they are communicated, and discussed with an open line of communication. How do I know this? Well my boy friend is a truck driver. He is out on the road weeks at a time. It would be easy for either one of us to stray. It is easier for him then me, but that's my opinion. I am home with the kids. Anyways, that was getting off point.
A relationship has a make it or break it point, regardless of the distance been through quite a few over the past two years. And the main factor during all of those times was a lack of communication. On both sides, not just one, they say that a relationship should equal 100 percent. 50/50 well that may seem right, but it's not. In order to have a true relationship you have to be willing to give all of yourself to that person and that person willing to give all of them self to you, equaling two hundred percent. Does this mean that you no longer have a life outside of the relationship with friends, family, etc. No, not at all. Just your willingness to be open about everything. Yes, I would love to say that is easy but it's not. We are still working on that factor. I know that I still keep things from him and he does with me, too. But there is an understanding that in order to keep this thing going we have to learn what each others' buttons are, and DON'T push them. And respect that sometimes its best to walk away, or hang up the phone in the middle of a conversation because nothing is being hear either way, which leads to hurt feelings and resentment.
If you are looking/involved in a relationship that is online (never met in person/talked on the phone more then a couple times) be careful. Yes, there are genuine people out there looking for their soul mate or other half. But there are people out there that think online dating is just a game to play with peoples' minds. Trust your gut, if there is something fishy going on that you feel in the pit of your stomach, chances are you are probably right..." sjvenden27
With our modern technology, it's pretty simple to be involve in a relationship build online. With the continues emergence of different social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, engaging in a long-distance relationship is within our reach. However, looking for someone real is like involving in a gold-digging activity. You will have a tough time to do it, but once you found one, it's something to be treasured.
"I do believe yes, if your intention is pure, not playing games, serious relationships. Long-distance or short-distance relationship is the same, if no trust, love and not sincere it won't work. In a relationship, we have to work hard to make it a 'happy ending' story. if we value the love we give and the love we receive, for sure happy ending is forever..." gennyk
"Well, maybe there in a long-distance relationship were in it became successful because they trust each other, while maybe the one who just do it as an amusement of past time don't." werty009
For those who believe that long-distance relationship can end to a happy ending, they seem to find the right ingredients to succeed in their relationship. But what are these ingredients?
"Yes, it really happen to me and we're living happily. I think it works me, it can work for anybody as long as trust and commitment to responsibility." ghieptc
"Yes, definitely, I think so. Many long-distance relationship has a happy ending. When you start a long-distance relationship you must be realistic of things happening in your life. Long-distance relationships are a true test to a couple's commitment and personal limits. It takes a great amount of effort to maintain and often people involved in them, realize that they evolve into a state of emotion that they never found themselves in before. With the distance working to keep you and your sweetie apart, your defense is keeping all lines of communication open. It doesn't matter how you do it as long as you do it. Every long distance couple should find ways to communicate that make both partners comfortable and happy." airakumar
"I think yes that long-distance relationship has happy ending because in that relationship no any confusion between both persons... And have a great understanding for each other. So it goes a happy ending..." anurag3786
"If both were loyal and have trust with each other maybe there's a happy ending. It really depends on each partner how to make their relationships grow even though they are far from each others arms. Now, long-distance relationship works because no matter how many miles they are apart it seems like they are together because of our means of communication - online on the internet. Yes, that makes you closer together. Just one click away then you can communicate together... I guess, the result of that is Happy Ending!" irent23
This can be a true testimony that long-distance relationship can end to a happy ending.
"I do believe because it happen to me. We know each other at chatting room, and have the same aim. So we meet in reality life and still have the same aim after that. For one year, I have a long-distance relationship before I decided to married him and now we got two children." kucluk
If others have been successful engaging into a long-distance relationship, obviously they end up on a happy ending. Is there really a happy ending?
"The outcome of the relationship depends on the person involved in that particular relationship. If they both keep the fire burning inside, there is a big chance of having a happy ending. Other factors in getting that ending is that trust, loyalty, respect and most of all love. With love that overflows between the two, they have greater capabilities to avoid temptations and be honest at all times. I believe in happy ending, it happens just make sure that your love is blessed by God." giechem
"Some instances happen that it is a happy ending. It depends upon the relationships of each lover. How they manage, care, showers and handle. But I know some it works for them. I think it is also luck of each one to have it successful. It matters also how they could relate with each other in talking in sites. Different styles and observations and how you can do this in real situation but it is really true." geniustiger
"I think in exceptional cases, they have happy ending. As in real time relation people measure this in term of monetary and in long distance relationship they just try to measure this more in different parameters. For many this is merely a way to pass their time, so how can be they successful in most cases." 1anurag1
"I have always been a firm believer that there is no such thing as happy endings. It only happens in movies. In every relationship, long-distance or not, wouldn't end if you are both happy with it. It did end, for whatever reasons perhaps, but surely its not because you are both happy." mjmiles
"Hi! Yeah, it's hard to say anything on it. As I have been on online relationships couple of times and I find hard it to make in real. Sometimes person seems more good from farther then nearer too. Also, I have never had chance to meet those girls. It's hard to make when people are approachable. But yes, if they are located not much farther or somewhat nearer then it could be made. Regarding happy ending question, I would say it's hard. Even real life nearer relationships doesn't had much happy endings. Only few have happy endings and for them it doesn't matter whether it is nearer relationship or farther. It just happens to few that's it!" directsaurabh
Some are struggling to stay in this kind of relationship, some are trying to do the best they can to make such relationship work, but some may not have been lucky enough and failed.
"In my case, it hasn't really worked out well. It always ended with them finding other people. And now my girlfriend and I are about to be separated by distance but I'm still willing to go through it again." chipesterkhan
"I have experienced having a long-distance relationship and sad to say, it didn't work. I went through terrible heartaches and moving on wasn't so easy because I was hoping that our love story will have a happy ending. It turned out so opposite to my expectations." eloveriz2004
Long-distance relationship only applies to those people who are willing to take a risk and sacrifice and have enough courage and trust as well as support to offer that whatever comes along the way, still you'll always be together. Problems arise in any given situation but it will depend on you on how you will handle it.
Social networking sites plays a big role in building long-distance relationships. In fact, in my observation, it everything has started with just one 'hello' in your Facebook's Wall or a simple tweet in your Twitter account. But you must be aware that fake person arises too. Of course, genuine people doesn't go away anywhere, it's just a matter on how will you build camaraderie and how will get to know the person you like. And you must be aware too, that you can never always expect someone will fall for you.
There could be no pressure at all dealing with unexpected circumstances that might come in between, for as long as the major factors that build up a strong relationship are present, you can never go wrong. In fact, happiness will not faraway from achieving it.
But what are these major factors? You must have trust, loyalty, respect, understanding, communication, above all, love.
To stay in a relationship and make it work, whether it is long- or short-distance relationship is kinda hard and it is expected that you will face a lot of challenges. This is a test for everyone who is in a relationship right now. Wherever you come from and whatever you are going through, let's just not forget the lessons that we can get from every struggles we had, because that will make us a better person.
Communication has it all and it plays a very vital role in this kind of relationship. It is the only way of getting connected with your loved one. The constant exchange of communication feels you never gone away as you will really know the latest happening with your loved ones. Nowadays, it is easy to get connected and there are various available way of communication to get in, you name it and you got it.
The bottom line is that happy endings will up to you on how you deal with long-distance relationship. It can't be achieve overnight. It's up to you how much time and emotions you invest. At first, you might be looked vulnerable, but over time and again, you will find yourself emotionally established.
It is a learning process. If you take a risk, you might failed and get hurt. But it doesn't stop there, as what you gained is something that you can really treasure for the rest of your life. The lessons learned will teach you on how to become a better person as you go along with latter stages of your life.
In a search for real happiness, it may come from different form, a successful relationship is one of them, long-distance or short-distance. What you achieve in your life can make you happy too. But behind of it, it's how satisfied you are with your life will bring you real happiness.
Sheryl Owen, ChangeOfAddress.org, wants to share with you a very interesting article entitled 10 Resources to Help Long Distance Relationships.
It tackles the different technologies that can help long-distance relationships in terms of communication. As one of the major aspect of a healthy relationship, modern technology has find ways to make it easier to be close to someone you really love. This article is worth reading.
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I used to say that I wouldn't date someone that has different area code with me then my girl had to move away for school. I am actually finding long distance relationship to work for us. We were boyfriend/girlfriend before she left now we are engaged to be married.
ReplyDeleteOne key important thing I see that help in our long distance relationship is completely supporting one another. The biggest thing is to be going through something while you are away and your partner is not backing you up. We find it so difficult nowadays for people believe in long distance or difficult for others to cope with it since they don’t know what to do. We even started our own site as part of our way to cope with relationship.
Thank you for sharing your successful story, you'r indeed a testament that a happy ending in a long-distance relationship can happen despite of its difficulties. Congratulations!!! And thank you for visiting my blog...